
Chinese Experimental Concert Announcement

February 12, 2015

Join us for the live show with Juliane Jones 洁莲 & Ba Ban Chinese Music Society on March 29, Joe’s Pub in NYC. Dear friends, I hope this finds you well! I wanted to let you know the latest news on our projects. I finally finished the ethnomusicology PhD last year — that’s one of […]

Recipes for The Space Between The Telephone Lines

May 5, 2014

Dear Friends, Cooking and composing music go together well : )  In April, I was on a vegetarian cooking show called Backstage Gourmet.  I talked about my new album, The Space Between The Telephone Lines, and created a few recipes to go with the album.  If you click on my name on the archive list, […]

Breaking Out of Inside Llewyn Davis’ Retro-Culture of Despair

January 6, 2014

I’ve been in Houston, Texas for the New Year and am headed back to Greenwich Village tomorrow. It will probably be cold, post winter storm Hercules, but it will certainly not be as bleak as the Greenwich Village depicted in the Coen Brothers’ Inside Llewyn Davis. I appreciated the cinematography. Watching the performance scenes at […]

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